Chandler Symphony Orchestra

Privacy Policy

What Personal Information We Collect

As set forth in more detail below, Chandler Symphony Orchestra, ("Site", "Us" or "We") collects personal information that you provide when using ("Site", "Us", "We"). This information includes your first and last name, email address, residence address, phone number, and comments when you use the online forms on the Site. You can browse this Site without leaving any personal information.

Cookies and Other Computer Information

When you visit the Site, you may be assigned a "cookie" (a small text file) normally stored on your computer's hard drive. 

At our prerogative, we may collect certain technical information from your computer each time you request a page during a visit to This information may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your computer's operating system, browser type and the address of a referring website if any. We may collect this information to enhance the quality of your experience during your visit to this Site and will not sell or rent this information to any third parties.

We may also contract with third parties to provide us with data collection and reporting services regarding our customers' activities on this Site and to track and measure the performance of our marketing efforts. These third parties may use cookies and may receive information about your browsing and buying activity on this Site.

Contacting Us

We will use your email address to respond to your questions, suggestions, and/or requests for assistance in using this Site.

When and With Whom We Share Your Personal Information

We never sell or rent your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances. We will share personal customer information only with our agents, representatives, service providers, and contractors for limited purposes, including fulfilling donations and orders; offering certain products and services in connection with this Site; communicating to visitors; and providing customer service.

Aside from the purposes described above, We will not willfully share your personal information with any other third parties unless we have your express permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the disclosure is required to prevent harm or injury or to comply with valid legal processes (subpoenas, warrants) or as required by law.

How You Can Decide What Communications You Receive From Us

The Site may from time to time send you email messages or other forms of marketing communications describing new events, updates, or other announcements. You can choose to stop receiving any marketing emails from us at any time. Simply go to Your Account and unsubscribe. Please allow up to 10 days for us to process your request. If you would prefer to stop receiving other forms of marketing communications from us, please follow the directions on the marketing materials from us.

The only email messages you will receive from the Site when you elect not to receive marketing emails will be to answer any questions you may have submitted to our Site. In addition, we may also need to send operational emails to inform you of any changes to our Site that might affect your personal information.

More About Your Privacy

We will work to protect the security and privacy of any personal information you provide to us. This includes your name, residence address, phone number, and email address in addition to any other personal information that can be linked to you personally.

We believe that you have a right to know, before visiting the Site or at any other time, exactly what information we might collect from you, why we collect it and how we use it.

We do not and will not sell or rent your personal information to anyone. You have the right to control your personal information as you see fit.

We will obtain your consent before allowing the download of any software from the Site, and the Site will not automatically download any software to your computer system. Once you consent to the initial download of any software, you may receive automatic updates or patches pertaining to such software. You understand and agree that any material, including but not limited to downloaded software, required or automated updates, modifications, reinstallations, or software otherwise obtained through the use of the the Site is received at your own discretion and risk and that you and not us will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that may result from any such material.

Links to Other Websites

The Site may provide links to certain third party websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to activities conducted and personal information collected on this Site. Other websites may have their own policies regarding privacy and security. Links to other websites are merely for convenience and in no way constitute endorsement or control of the content of such websites by the Site or Chandler Symphony Orchestra or any of its affiliates nor are they responsible for the accuracy, privacy, nature, quality, reliability or content of any such other websites. We make no representation or warranty regarding those websites or the information provided on or to them.


The material on this Site is provided without warranties of any kind either express or implied and any warranties, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. It is not warranted that this Site or any of its functions will be uninterrupted or error-free or free of viruses or other harmful components. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall the Site or any of its affiliates be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or similar damages, if any, arising from the use of, or the inability to use, materials provided on this Site.

Changes to the Site Privacy Policy

These Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy were last updated September 20, 2018. We reserve the right to change, modify or amend these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy at any time. Please check our Privacy Policy periodically for changes. Use of this Site constitutes your consent to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as modified.

Copyright information

Unless otherwise especially noted, all material within the Site is copyrighted.

No portion of this website may be copied, reprinted, or otherwise published or distributed without first obtaining the express written consent of an authorized representative of Chandler Symphony Orchestra.

We will try to accommodate reasonable requests to share information at our discretion. To request permission to reprint something you've read on this Site in another publication (such as in a magazine, newsletter or website), please contact us.

The materials in this Site may not be modified in any manner except by Chandler Symphony Orchestra, or as approved by its authorized representative in writing.